Quiet route southern section – response

Update: 4th April 2021

The council have provided a response to our feedback (see below) and plan to implement the southern section of the Quiet Route starting on the 8th April 2021.

The redesigned Braidburn Terrace / Braid Road modal-filter is shown below


  • Blackford Safe Routes welcomes and fully supports the additional modal-filters and footway buildouts to be provided.
  • We are disappointed that the motor traffic rat-run along Midmar Drive and Hermitage Drive is to remain open in both directions.
  • The modal-filter at Braidburn Tce / Braid Rd is badly compromised, and disadvantages pedestrians and cyclists.
  • We believe the simplest and most equitable solution is for Braid Rd to remain closed in both directions, at the existing temporary closure point just south of the junction with Braidburn Terrace.
  • Changes are required to the Braidburn Tce / Braid Rd modal-filter, if Braid Rd is to reopen southbound. These changes are required to prevent rat-running, prevent danger to Quiet Route users and to remove a pedestrian pinch-point. Although we have proposed some improvements to this filter, we believe that there is no solution that fully satisfies the needs of non-motorised users, hence the reason we suggest that Braid Rd remains closed.
  • An additional diagonal modal-filter is required at the junction of Braid Crescent and Braid Road.

Detailed comments:

Braidburn Tce / Braid Rd modal filter, issues:

1. Eastbound rat-running

Eastbound rat-running (Braidburn Tce -> Hermitage Dr -> Midmar Dr -> Cluny Gardens) is still possible for cars by looping around the modal-filter and using the left-turn slip road off Braid Rd, or alternatively using Braid Crescent (see drawing below and “Braid Crescent” section below)

Proposed solution: Extend the modal-filter barrier along the centreline of Braid Road, to cover the slip road entrance (see solution drawing below).

2. Pedestrian pinch-point

A pinch-point and blind corner for pedestrians exists on the narrow footway, at the southeastern corner of Braid Rd and Hermitage Drive. High stone walls obstruct sightlines and it is difficult for pedestrians to pass each other without stepping into the carriageway (which will remain busy due to the westbound/southbound rat-run being left open).

Proposed solution: Build out the footway at this location and move the modal-filter barrier slightly (see solution drawing below).

3. Cyclists’ turning manoevres

The modal-filter barrier obstructs many of the desire-line turning manoevres for cyclists, and has inadequate gaps between the blocks. This junction should be permeable for cyclists, no matter which direction they wish to turn (turns in all 3 directions are desireable at all approaches to the junction).

Proposed solution: Provide suitable gaps to allow turns in all directions yet still prevent motor vehicle access (see solution drawing below).

4. Issues and proposed solutions

This modal-filter remains unsatisfactory for non-motorised users, creating a lot of conflict points and confusion. It is unlikely this junction could safely be navigated by a competent 8-year-old cyclist. We would prefer that Braid Rd remain closed in both directions.

Braid Crescent

The eastbound rat-run route along Braid Crescent brings cyclists into direct conflict with motor traffic along Braid Rd and Braid Crescent (see orange conflict points below)

Proposed solution: As a solution to the Braid Crescent rat-run, we propose an additional diagonal modal-filter at the junction of Braid Crescent and Braid Road.