Closing a street to traffic opens it up to people.

A short video showing the incredible transformation of Waltham Forest.
A series of “Liveable Neighbourhoods” is proposed by the JGPS travel committee for Marchmont, Grange and Blackford, opening up a safe active-travel route to school along Whitehouse Loan and through the Astley Ainslie site.
Zoom-in on the map below for more detail:

Liveable neighbourhood zone – A self-contained zone in which through-traffic is prevented. Motor traffic must enter and exit the zone via the adjacent main roads. Known as a “woonerf” in the Netherlands.
Modal filter – A permeable barrier that allows pedestrians, wheelchair-users and cyclists to pass through but prevents motor traffic. Typically a set of bollards or planters placed across the carriageway. It can be implemented quickly and cheaply.
Active travel route – A safe and convenient route for people walking or riding bicycles and scooters. Typically it will be either low-traffic*, segregated or off-road. *The low-traffic aspect is by design i.e. through-traffic is prevented.
Segregated cycleway – Provides a protected cycle route beside main roads, where low-traffic options are not considered practical. Segregation is normally by means of physical measures to prevent encroachment of motor vehicles e.g. kerbs, bollards, planters, or other raised features.
An example of a local modal filter is shown below:
An example of a local segregated cycleway is shown below:
A professionally-managed community engagement campaign will be carried out to ensure that school parents, school staff, residents, locals and those travel through the area are consulted and kept informed.
Questions? See our Liveable Neighbourhoods FAQ