
Here you will find links to pertinent (mostly) third-party documents relating to safe routes  – particularly to schools, to and from the Blackford area.

audio cassette tape with titles "don't teach road safety, design safe systems"
don’t teach road safety, design safe systems

Essential Reading

  • Movement by Thalia Verkade & Marco te Brömmelstroet – how to take back our streets and transform our lives
  • The Miracle Pill by Peter Walker – the simple lifestyle change with such enormous health benefits that, if it was turned into a drug, would be the most valuable drug in the world? The answer is movement and the good news is that it’s free, easy and available to everyone
  • Traffication by Paul F Donald – How Cars Destroy Nature and What We Can Do About It
  • Death on the Streets (pdf) – understanding road danger reduction versus traditional “road safety”

One-stop shop

  • Essential Evidence 4 Scotland – One-page, plain-English summaries on aspects of transport planning from robust peer reviewed studies, released fortnightly

Liveable Neighbourhoods




Bike buses


Traffic evaporation and navigation apps

Road design and modelling

Transport statistics

Road danger reduction

Air quality

Public health

Psychology / sociology

Disabled people

A reminder: LTNs do not prevent access by motor vehicles – all properties remain accessible. Lower traffic (less rat-running) makes it easier for those who really do need to drive.

LTNs and disabled people. Chapter 8 of this report from TfL provides some useful insights (large pdf). Summarised below:

  • Walking (incl. wheeling) is the most commonly used mode of transport for disabled Londoners (8.10)
  • The proportion of disabled Londoners who drive a car to get around London is 28%, compared to 45% for non-disabled Londoners. The proportion who use a car as passengers is identical between the two groups (81%)
  • Disabled Londoners are less likely to hold any type of driving license than non-disabled (40% vs 68%)
  • Disabled Londoners are less likely to have household access to a car than non-disabled Londoners: 52% of disabled Londoners live in car-free households vs 34% non-disabled
  • 17% of disabled Londoners sometimes use a bike to get around London compared to 18% among non-disabled Londoners

Disability, Cycling and Health: Impacts and (Missed) Opportunities in Public Health – cycling is easier than walking for most people with physical disabilities and is also crucial to mobility, exercise, and health.

Planters and wood supplies

Possible sources of wooden planters

Legacy documents (not current)

  • A preliminary proposed map of routes from the Blackford area through the Astley Ainslie site to James Gillespie’s primary school, high school, St. Peter’s school and the new school soon to be built in Canaan lane in Morningside.
    Safe routes through Astley Ainslie
  • A response to the existing 20mph “Pedestrian and Cycle Zone” outside St.Peter’s from a parent.
    Comments on the Pedestrian Zone